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Ramadan Mercy Kits 2024 - Groceries/ Ration

Ramadan Mercy Kits 2024 - Groceries/ Ration
Zakat Eligibility

PS311 - Education Support

"Donate Your Zakat: Transform Lives, Spread Smiles"
Zakat Eligibility

Target to be closed = ₹ 6000000.00

Ramadan Mercy Kits is an annual grocery kit campaign executed during the holy month of Ramadan. This year, in 2024, we are introducing a special feature: an ongoing rewards system that extends throughout the entire year. A portion of your contribution towards Mercy Kits is allocated to our developmental projects, which run year-round and are eligible for zakat. Your donation during Ramadan, extends its impact throughout the year, serves as a Sadaqa-jaariya ensuring ongoing blessings and rewards, providing continuous benefits throughout the year.

Check the attached flyer for more clarity. Contact our team for further queries.


Project Smile Team

Target to be closed = ₹ 5000000.00

Transform Lives with Your Generosity

Every act of kindness has the power to change lives, and now is your chance to make a real difference. Join us in our mission to bring hope, dignity, and opportunity to those in need through Project Smile's life-changing initiatives.

Your support is the key to empowering vulnerable individuals and communities across various fronts, from providing essential education support and life-saving medical assistance to constructing safe homes and distributing nutritious meals. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change that touches countless lives.

Take action today by donating to Project Smile. Your generosity will not only transform lives but also inspire others to do the same.

Together, let's build a brighter future and make the world a better place for all.

Target to be closed = ₹ 68000.00

PS311, a dedicated single mother giving her all as a cook to sustain her two children, aged 12 & 8, after losing her husband. Despite grappling with frequent illnesses, her determination to secure her children's education remains unwavering. Her son, a diligent 7th grader, and her spirited 3rd-grade daughter are students at Sharada High School. However, looming school fees of Rs.68,000 threaten their academic journey.

Your compassionate contribution can be the lifeline this family needs. By supporting our fundraiser, you're not just covering their fees; you're investing in dreams, resilience, and a brighter future.


Project Smile Team